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Showing posts from August, 2004

What is Search Engine Spam?

What is Search Engine Spam? Most affiliate sites, multiple links to the same site, websites that links to sites, anyspam sites which promote violence, and sites which violate international laws may be classified as spam. Below is a comprehensive list of what’s considered spam for search engine and web directory . 1. Multiple links to the same site,spam sites or websites that links to adult. 2. Multiple submissions using different URL’s, either unique or variations of one URL. 3. Redirected sites including sites that redirect the main page and sites that redirect by clicking on any of the links on the main page. 4. All affiliate, associate and authorized vendor or distributor websites. 5. Hidden service website, the main page will display something totally different from what you get from the links. “Cloaked Page” 6. Websites uniquely different with unique URL’s but offering the same links or service. “Getting very popular and hard to detect” 7. Excessive banners or po...

Search Engine Industry Resources

This article contains a collection of resources, links and information relating to different search engines subjects . Especially users, webmasters, search engine experts, seo and web marketing companies, search engine submission firms, search engine optimization specialists and expert relating to search engine reviews, search engine tutorials, search engine technology, search engine software for your web site, search engines and legal issues, search engine conferences, search engine advertising, SEO organisations and directories, search engine web promotion,, Internet marketing and SEO forums. Search Engine Industry Sources Seo Web Directory Abakus SEO Blog Google Blog Jeremy Zawodny's blog Seo Shop John Battelle's Searchblog Pandia Search World Search Engine Optimization PassingNotes India SEO ResearchBuzz Seo Mart Resource Shelf Search Engine Blog Search Engine Guide Search Engine Lowdown Search Engine News Blog SEO Forum Web Sit...
National Anthem JANA-GANA-MANA-ADHINAYAKA, JAYA HE BHARATA-BHAGYA-VIDHATA PUNJAB-SINDHU-GUJARATA-MARATHA- DRAVIDA-UTKALA-BANGA VINDHYA-HIMACHALA-YAMUNA-GANGA UCCHHALA-JALADHI TARANGA TAVA SUBHA NAME JAGE TAVA SUBHA ASHISHA MAGE GAHE TAVA JAYA GATHA. JANA-GANA-MANGALA DAYAKA, JAYA HE BHARATA-BHAGYA-VIDHATA, JAYA HE, JAYA HE, JAYA HE, JAYA JAYA JAYA, JAYA HE." "Thou art the ruler of the minds of all people, dispenser of India's destiny. The name rouses the hearts of Punjab , Sind, Gujarat and Maratha, of the Dravid and Orissa and Bengal. It echoes in the hills of the Vindhyas and Himalayas, mingles in the music of the Yamuna and Ganga and is chanted by the waves of the Indian Sea. They pray for thy blessings and sing thy praise. The salvation of all people is in thy hand, thou dispenser of India's destiny. Victory, victory, victory to thee." Written By Rabindranath Tagore Indian Blog