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Showing posts from January, 2013

Christmas Eve 2012

                                      Megrisoft Celebrated Christmas eve in 2012. It was an awesome bash which included all Megrisoft staff . We had a great party. The caliber of foods was fantastic. The plethora of entertainment suited all employees. We completely relished our celebration. Enjoy the cake....

Images of Megrisoft Offices with Address

Megrioft Sector 47 Second Floor Chandigarh India Megrioft Sector 47 First Floor Chandigarh India Megrioft Sector 47 Ground Floor Chandigarh India

History of Megrisoft Staff Blog

This blog was launched  by Mohnesh Kohli CEO and Founder of Megri Sopft Limited on Thursday, August 07, 2003 with the object to just got the Megrisoft as blogger name so that some one else could not get it. Latter on it was managed by some staff for making few post which are not good we understand. Since they were old post and we do not want to remove the all and just will continue. Now we have made this blog specific to employee  and human resources engaged with Megrisoft. The blog will be based on only staff activities. Blog will be managed by Parveen K in association with other staff members  Check this blog for regular updates about Megrisoft staff, new job opening , working culture, training and education programmes, photos, events and parties.